About me and this site
Welcome, my name is John, I live in the Blue Mountains outside Sydney, Australia, I was born in 1949 under the sign of the centaur Sagittarius. Friends and relatives have been encouraging me to publish my poems and one said why not do a blog. So here I am sending my words and images into the ether. I hope you like my words and the images I put with them. This site was created in October 2016 and is best viewed on desk or lap top.
In looking at my poems I noticed a lot were about or involved a "place", and that being either geographical or situational, hence the title Poetry of place. But mostly they are about life and love, what we feel and what we do, and about loss and hope. The poems were written since 2010. There is no theme or order to the listing.
I'd like to dedicate this site to my children Lauren and Ryan, to cousin Ian for his incredible encouragement and support, and to thank dear Merryl for her wisdom and friendship, and Marie, Anthea, Helen, Annette, Cheryl & Kevan, Peter & Helen, Katherine, and especially Jill, Berny and John, and my brothers Ralph and David, and Jo the mother of our children, and Julie and Deirdre for the idea. And to Patricia for what she gave me. To all the romantics and those that see the light in nature, a joyful journey, John.
Photos: Blue mountains, near Leura, January 2010; me & kids, Jugiong, March 2016.
If you would like to contact me send an email to johnwmobile2511@gmail.com or bamboopoetry@gmail.com.