From China with love
An incomparable love begins
Created in the blood spilt
From my emotional havoc,
More beautiful than Zhang Ziyi
Have I found her
In Guangzhou
My Sino woman
The face of romance and mystery
Her artistry and demeanour carnally imploring
Screamed to my soul
I surrendered to that alchemy
Her tongue liked my words
I sated her hunger
We rose in passion
Voracious until
Crushed by kilometres of separation
Life played its hand
The sticky icing melting into frost
It is all in the detail
Truths slowly revealed in skimpy clothing
How fantastical, ephemeral, love can be
The recipe cannot be had
The same mistakes keep repeating
How earthly then this death
In my bed wet from her saturation,
And after all my loves
After all this has gone
Would she still be the one
Illusive, to the end
Poem written May 2020 from numerous inspirations: the Wong Kar Wai film 2046; Zhang Ziyi; and the music of Lianne La Havas (Unstoppable, Elusive, Bitterwseet), PJ Harvey (One Line), and the song Macarthur Park (Richard Harris).