Hugged to the rugged coastline
near where shipwrecks lay strewn
she stands upon the beach-head
wind ravaged hair curled wild about her face
her dark eyes staring out to constellations
unfurling beyond touching within
here for that moment is truth
locked secure in the winter warmth of her heart-blood
cold to the touch save too close
defying stoical sovereign allowing
no tempest to trespass gain ascendency
and bring ruin again to the sunniest days
those past gone to that watery grave she looks out upon
but they come again
again and yet again
and the sea will have her
will it not
as one in her wave
upon wave upon infinite wave
washing inexorably to her shoreline
washing over her armour and battalions
taking back
taking ever back
to come again
and yet again
and again
until drowned in that place
there is nothing left
only memory adrift upon her waves
upon her way
to some place else
Photo:The Atlantic, Ireland 2011. Poem written 2010